Arduino & Sensors Resources
Learn to create your own inventions with Arduino in this hands-on, online session. Arduino is an open source platform for building electronics projects. In this session, learn how to build circuits with a breadboard, components and Arduino and upload code to make your project come to life. You’ll learn how to blink an LED, move a servo motor, and read data from a photoresistor (light sensor).
These resources are for students who have received a USQ Arduino and Sensors Maker Kit, but will remain online for anyone who wishes to browse the course. To get started, download the presentation and the ZIP folder of Arduino code. To open this, you will need to have downloaded the Arduino IDE. You can watch and follow along with the session recording here.
– Arduino and Sensors Presentation Powerpoint
Want to put together your own Maker Kit for this workshop? See the ‘How to put together your own Maker Kit’ guide.